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I’m not sure how I got here. I haven’t seen any of my siblings in a while. It was getting dark out, so I figured I’d find some shelter.

I guess I remember how I got here, I just have no idea where “here” is. It’s unlike anything I’ve seen. It was just getting so creepy in the dark, all alone. I probably should have spent the night in the bushes. I was pretty hidden there. I just couldn’t ignore the humming. It would be gone for a while, but then a loud click! And the humming would begin again. It was ominous, but strangely comforting. Scary, but in a way that made me feel safe, like I imagine my father might have been. I needed to get closer to the humming.

As I approached, the soft ground gave way to stone. Strange, angular stone. And above it, an enormous box, humming its siren call. I could faintly see some light coming from a corner below the towering box. I scaled the stone below the humming structure and approached the dim light.

Below the box the humming was so strong I could feel it in my legs. The terrain changed again. The cave walls were made of trees, but with the same angular shapes as the stone outside. The cave was relatively shallow, but could have easily held me and most of my siblings for the night.

Where are they?

At the back of the cave, the wall was made of fur, but that dim light peeked around the edges. This cave was deeper than it appeared. I needed to press deeper.

I pushed myself through the crevice between the fur and the trees, until I was suddenly blinded by the radiant landscape I found myself in. Once my eyes adjusted, I found myself where I am now. Past the small entrance, the cave expanded beyond my wildest imagination. I would have thought that I had come out the other side of the cave into the morning sun, but the light seemed to come from every direction. The walls of the cave are a material I have never seen, and they are so brilliantly white that I thought they were glowing. Instead, the cavern is illuminated by two great, glowing orbs, suspended far above the cavern floor atop thin towers of jet black. The floor appears to be covered in fur, similar to the fur blocking the entrance to this incredible space.

The glowing orbs. There is something strange about them. They make me feel uneasy. I feel as though there is something missing from my life. Something I never knew I needed. I still don’t know what it is, but I know now that I am incomplete. Maybe I have just never truly known beauty before. This cavern, this light, it fills me with wonder, but also longing. I need more! Maybe if I can get closer to one of the orbs.

That’s it. If only I can get closer, that will be enough. I will have experienced the most beauty possible, and that will be enough. I just need to feel it this one time. I must start to scale this wall.

WHAT’S THAT!? Oh, the humming has returned. I had almost forgotten about it until I heard that damned click. Why had that sound comforted me outside of this cavern? I thought it was so strong, so soothing. What a fool I was. And did it always come with this dreaded cold breeze?

Despite their smooth appearance, scaling these cavern walls is proving easier than expected. I will approach the closest orb shortly. By the green leaves of my home, I have never seen such beauty.

I’m so close now. But it’s still not enough! If i can just get on the ceiling, I can get right above it. Surely, then, I will be satisfied. The ceiling is full of foot-holds. This will be as easy as the walls.

Here I am! I am right above it! It’s gorgeous. And so warm! I wonder how much heat it creates. It would probably burn me if I touched it. I better not.

This isn’t enough. I am so close. How can I go back now, with the pinnacle of joyful fulfillment so close? It’s probably not that hot. I bet it feels like a warm hug. The most amazing hug imaginable. How could I deprive myself of that experience. I just need to build up the nerve.

Oh no. Oh my. I was so enraptured by the beauty of this place. I imagined that I was alone.

Never have I seen such hideous creatures. Their limbs are short and stubby and seem to end in short tendrils. Fortunately, they seem to be missing a couple limbs. Their mouths are black caverns lined with yellowed stones. They have irregularly placed fur of various length and no discernible function. Their eyes. Oh their eyes! They see me.

One of them is coming. By the Maple, it’s nearly as tall as the cavern is deep! I am stuck here on the ceiling with nowhere to go! Why did I need to be near this terrible orb!? If I let go now, surely the scorching hot orb will incinerate me. I’m a goner! Where is that creature going?

Oh, it’s coming back. What has it got in it’s tendrils? It’s a cage. It’s a round yellow cage.

Darkness. I’m trapped. I must be brave. This cage has an open top. As soon as he removes it from the ceiling, I jump. Whatever happens to me, It’s bound to be better than whatever this giant has in store for me. It’s lowering the cage. Here goes nothing!

Oh. Oh no. I’m alive, so I guess that’s good. The monster seems to be looking for me. That’s also good. That means it doesn’t realize I landed on its limb. This close to the tendrils, they are even more disgusting. They are wrinkly, and have patches of the same fur that is randomly dispersed along the rest of its body. There are five of them, with fleshy joints and filthy claws tipping the ends. The flesh of the limb is warm and makes my stomachs turn.

It’s now walking deeper into the cavern, which seems to be moving upward! An entire wall of the cavern gives way, exposing another chamber! Another wall gives way revealing…

The darkness of the night sky. This is my last chance! If only I were fully grown, I’d fly to safety. All I can do is jump!

Chirp! Well, how do you like that. It’s the bush I found shelter in at the beginning of the night. I can’t believe it. And there goes the giant, back to his cavern. I wonder what he wanted with me. I hope to find my siblings soon. They’ll never believe what happened to me.

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