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Chud's Top 4 - Celebrity Friend Crushes

In case you don't know what a friend crush is (since I don't really know anyone but my brothers who use that term) a "friend crush" is someone who you desperately want to be friends with. With a regular crush, you have strong romantic feeling towards someone and in your fantasies you are married with children etc. That's very similar to how I feel about these 4 people except I just really want to hang with them, get lunch, and have some game nights with them! It wasn't on purpose that three of the four are actors, but I guess there's an affect people have on your when you stare at their faces on the screen for so long.

#4 Donald Glover

I was following this guy back when College Humor started putting Derrick Comedy videos on their site. He has always been funny, and clearly has always been striving to make his dreams come true. Ultimately, what makes me want to bask in his presence more than anything is that he seems like a super talented nerd. He's a comedic force in both Community and Atlanta, and I think me and him could really get along once our paths cross.

#3 Emma Stone

I didn't really start noticing Emma Stone until Zombieland, and after that I just kept thinking, "Do I have a thing for her?" I had crushes on other actresses and celebrities, but this one felt different. I couldn't quite put my finger on it because I didn't put much thought into it. She was cute, she seemed very real in all of her roles, but I wasn't looking at her like a girlfriend. When I finally saw her do her epic lip sync battle with Jimmy Fallon, I was like "She should come play Rock Band with us!" I just want to be part of her crew! She seems like such a joy to be around!

#2 Joaquim Dos Santos

I have wanted to have many (too many) different creative careers. This could be one of my major downfalls in life, because I can't seem to focus enough on one thing long enough to get good at it. The point is, even with all of my different interests, I never really wanted to be a television writer...until Joaquim. He is one of the main brains behind Last Airbender, Korra, and Voltron. I have a very specific feeling when I watch Avatar (Last Airbender and Korra). I want to be a part of that SO bad! I love the characters, and I want to be in that world. I feel like the closest that I can get to being in that would would just be to hang with and pick the Brain of Joaquim Dos Santos. Who knows? Maybe the two of us can come up with something awesome together?

#1 Jeff Bridges

This guy has it figured out. He just does! I know know what it is, but I feel like if you could just be a part of this guy's life, you would forget about your worries and your strife. I mean, the guy just seems like such an amazing presence on top of being such a talented and iconic actor. He's also an activist that doesn't make you feel bad. I don't know quite how he does it, but he just seems to make my life better by being in the world. Imagine how much better it would been if we were buddies!?

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