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Chud’s Big Vacation Part ⅓: Preparation

Chud is going on vacation. It's about dang time.

The word “Vacation” seems to be a bit of a luxury. I may not like working all the time, but I am quite sure that if I stop working I will not make money. I generally take a simple approach to time off. I see it as a chance to catch up on some shows, work on some projects, and catch up on some shows (I have a lot of TV I still need to watch. I still haven't seen Punisher or Luke Cage season 2. What's up with that?!) This time however, me and my wife Andrea will be spending 2 weeks away from LA and flying to the east coast to spend time with my in-laws, and then seeing my parents, godmother/aunt, uncle, sister in law Cate, and my fellow Headphone Bro Timmy. This will not only be time off, but much needed time away. Stress has been a sleeping giant in my life and it is clear that if I don't recognize it, it will be bad for my health Being Labor day weekend, I was fortunate to have some time to spend getting ready for the trip. I had Saturday off which was good, because that day was hell. It will be explained in a future article titled: “It's finally been long enough where I can look back and laugh at 9/1/2018) Sunday I was at work by myself, and I had a very odd thought. “I'm here alone in the office. It's a little warm. I might as well work the whole day shirtless right?” And this, I started my vacation early with that. Now it's Monday and we are on our way to LAX on the Flyaway bus. Andrea is absolutely convinced that the plane will crash because it's a giant metal box that stays up in the air with little to no explanation, so in case she's right, I will say goodbye to you. If it's not, I look forward to detailing our time with her parents next week with part ⅔: Hilton Head. 

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