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Chud's Big Vacation 3/3

Vacation 3/3


It took awhile for us to take off from the Savannah/Hilton Head airport because there were some high winds making it dangerous to fly. We landed in Norfolk where my parents were patiently waiting with their rental car and we were off. It had been over a year since I had seen them, so this was a rare treat. Dad was excited to see that Andrea had brought her Ukulele, since there was bound to be a jam session during this trip.

After a long drive to that long skinny bit of islands called Outer Banks, we made it with clear skies and fresh air. Aunt Colleen and Uncle Jim were excited to see us. It had been a while since we hung out, and we were prepared for good times. The place they were renting looked beautiful, right on the gorgeous beach. We took a moment to settle into our rooms, and then we were right out the door to grab some food. It felt like a mix of small town and island resort. Not my usual scene for sure.

After eating, I had to get in the ocean! The waves were really nice, and each one felt like it was trying to pull me down and in

That night, we went out on the beach again to look at all the crabs scuttling about. Often times standing perfectly still, thinking that we can’t see them. Dre was convinced that they weren’t crabs, but sea insects. I guess that’s really what they are.


Monday I got up early to try to watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. Or something. Aunt Colleen swore that the sun rises were all garbage here, and the sunsets were glorious. I watched the sun rise in an extremely mediocre way and decided that I would take Colleen’s word for it until that evening. Little did I know that I would never have the chance to see a sunset there.

After a little bit of swimming, or (more accurately: not drowning in the ocean) the lifeuards came out and hung the “no swimming” signs. I guess the waves were getting too crazy or something. There was more talk about the hurricane coming, and as an avid rule follower, I decided to just be content to sit on the beach with the family for a while.

It wasn’t long before the lifeguards came around again. While you may think they were kicking us off the beach, they were instead kicking us off the entire long and skinny island. They said we would have to be gone by 7am tomorrow, but to avoid some crazed crowds and panicked traffic we left right away.

We decided to drive up to Baltimore where Jim and Colleen live. They were happy to be able to host us and spend more time with family, but extremely bummed to be missing out of their favorite vacation destination. After a long drive further up the East coast (which included both me and Dad playing a couple playlists of ours on Spotify, not realizing that the one song they both had in common was “Walk the Dinosaur”) we arrived in Baltimore.

It was late when we got there, so we wandered around for a restaurant. The oddly enough, the first TWO were closed because they were booked for private parties, but we managed to find an amazing Mexican restaurant with a great name: Blue Agave Mexican Food. Well, maybe not a great name, but a great acronym. It made a great closing of our long day.


To be honest, the rest of the days were sort of a blur. A delightful mix of relaxation and conversation. We explored some nice areas around Baltimore including King Trashmouth (probably actually called “Trashwheel”), The Horse You Came In On Saloon (America’s oldest continually operating saloon), and probably a third thing. I will admit there was a lot of beer flowing during this trip, and this was the one time I think I may have gotten a little sloshy. The day ended with a whole crap-ton of games, primarily “Whoa-Dang-Two”, or as anyone who actually knows the game would call it “Oh Heck.” Andrea had found her hidden talents in this bid calling, card counting, game of wits. It was tons of fun.


Cornhole! So much cornhole! We did the classic “winners keep playing, losers rotate out” kind of style. This led to Dad and Jim teaming up to play (no exaggeration) at least 20 games in a row before they were defeated. This was a great day for getting together, hanging outside, and meeting all of their awesome neighbors (some also bummed that Outer Banks was evacuated. The night ended with a bit of Euchre. Some crazy competitive Euchre. Now, I’m not bad at cards, but I apparently have a lot to learn when it comes to this ultimate test of strategy and teamwork. It will have been the last time I play Euchre.


The day started with a little more sightseeing with the American Visionary Art Museum and the Guinness Brewery. The highlight for me though, was after we got together with the neighbors again at another awesome restaurant (I seriously could highlight every single place we went to eat, but my fingers would get tired and complain at me, constantly saying “we get it! It was delicious!”) we went back home to play Cranium! In their normal circle of friends, Cranium was an agonizing ordeal. With the Binghams plus Stephens in the mix, it was a competitive, all-out fun brawl. Three games were played! One was close, the others were complete shutouts. It was girls versus boys, and the girls won, and I don’t think anyone there had more fun than me.


Two special things happened this day. First, we played duckpin bowling. Imagine bowling, but if you were punished for thinking you can have a strategy. We played three games (2 regular, with one crazy version involving betting and made up rules) and I still don't know the best place to put the ball to get a strike. That was a really fun time, and I am looking for a fun place to do that in LA currently.

The second thing that happened was my very first jam session. I have not been playing guitar for long at all, and I rarely get a chance to practice. However, playing alongside three people far more talented than I was a magical experience. Dad picked up a guitar and started playing it like he had never stopped. He’s normally a drums guy, but since that would have been a hassle to pack, he settles for using one of Jim’s guitars, like me. Andrea had brought her ukelele, and Jim switched between guitar and piano. I was not very good and could barely keep up, but it made me feel like I was part of one singular thought. I can’t quite describe it, but singing “Let Her Cry” by Hootie and the Blowfish with the rest of my family backing me up took me to a new state of being for a moment.


The departure. Mom and Dad had left early in the morning, and we said our sad goodbyes, not sure when we would see eachother again. We left later that afternoon after spending a very chill day just playing card games with Colleen and Jim. Reminiscing about the good times we had that week and long ago, it was bittersweet. They took us to the airport in DC where we boarded our flight to LA, and said goodbye to our amazing vacation.

I understand that this was not much of an article. Barely a report. More like a journal entry. I find it very important though, because when I have to go back to work I may be frustrated, but I know that every once in a while I can take a complete break from life and enjoy family.

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