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The Legacy of Stan Lee

Stan Lee's passing affected me more then I thought it would. I do get sad when people I admire die, but it is hard to feel something deep or someone you have never met. This was different than the celebrity deaths I have heard of. Very different. I have looked up to this man since as long as I can remember. It seems horrible to say, but there are people I have known personally who have died, and I did not shed a single tear. When my wife texted me as soon as she heard the news of Stan Lee, I wept.

Ever since I was very young I wanted to be him. Even when I did not actually know what his contributions were to the Marvel Universe or comics in general, I knew that he was the face behind my all-time favorite fictional characters. The ability to create world's to escape into is something that cannot be overstated. As Keith has mentioned in the previous post, we have been creating our own characters back when all they needed was a snazzy outfit and a name. In the years that followed, my interest in superheroes and extended universes expanded. The dream of creating a world that people can escape into and find joy in has always been a wonderful vision of mine. Whether or not it was ever possible, Stan Lee has shown me the sheer joy and wonder that can come from making something so fantastic.

About 15 years ago it dawned on me that we live in an age where we are walking with giants. With the multitude of new media and ways to express art and creativity, we are fortunate enough to live among the legends who have brought these to us. Today's composers will never be able to meet Beethoven, philosophers will never meet Aristotle, painters will never be able to meet Van Gogh, and writers will never be able to meet Shakespeare. I took comfort in the fact that we lived in an age where meeting these pioneers and legends was still actually possible. The original video game designers, the greatest film directors, and the pioneers who brought us what we know as comic books today were among us. Losing Stan Lee means we just lost one more giant.

I loved what Stan Lee represented in the world. I even dressed up like him for Halloween a couple years ago. As I'm sure he will be missed most by those closest to him, the shock-wave of his death has affected even the furthest from him like myself. Love you Stan. Nuff Said.

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