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Leaked Mandalorian S3 Script from an Unreliable Source

One of the perks of living in the Los Angeles area is having access to really shifty characters in the film industry. I have been privileged to cross paths with one of the shiftiest of them all. His name is Jerry Leeks and he has the hookup when it comes to stolen or discarded script pages. I feel like it’s my duty to present these to the public for anyone who wishes to see them.

Without further ado, I present to you 2 pages from a leaked script from THE MANDALORIAN SEASON 3. Image below, transcript to follow.


I was hoping that Bo-Katan, or maybe one of the other Boba-Fetts (Mandalorians) could help us out, but they seem to have their own problems trying to reclaim Boba Fett (Mandalorian) planet.

The door to the shack slams open with a loud squishing sound. Cara walks into the shack carrying a dead space-deer on her back. She throws it onto the floor.


Dinner is served, losers. Hey Boba, where’s Mulan at?


Fennec is watching over my new Boba Kingdom. And please don’t call her that. That’s racist.


It is not racist. She was in Space-Mulan, wasn’t she? I’m just calling her one of the characters she played.


I get where you’re coming from, but when you call her “Mulan” it does still sound racist since you’re mostly just identifying her as a space-chinese woman. We all enjoyed Space-Mulan but regardless of your reasoning or intentions, it still sounds a little racist.

Mando takes a swig of his blue smoothie and pauses while his masked gaze meets Cara’s. Her eyes widen as beautiful terror covers her face.


Oh you poor little baby. Who gave you that drink?


It was Bo-Katan. Why? Did you want some?

Cara grabs the smoothie and smells it. She thinks for a moment, then takes another long sniff of it.


Yup. Poisoned. Just like she said she was going to do when I saw her at church.


WTF bro? You knew she was going to poison me?


I thought it was a goof. Now listen, you don’t have much time. You have to take your helmet off.


Again?! What? Why?


We have to pour about five gallons of the antidote right into your eyeballs.




Yes. And you can’t do it yourself. The keg the antidote comes in is two-hundred pounds. Me and Boba are going to have to lift it for you. Take your helmet off!


Aww man. Why does this keep happening to me?

Mando proceeds to take off his helmet while Cara and Boba lift up the antidote keg. Mando lies down face up with his helmet off.


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